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neutral home office with white desk and modern plant stand and wall planter

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modern wood plant stands against dark moody wall styled with houseplants

person holding large braid & wood v-hanger in white and white oak with air plant

V-Hanger Styling Tip

Modern Living Wall

Here's how we used three Braid & Wood V-Hangers to create a modern & minimal living wall.

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hand holding large velutina air plant

Make Your Large V-Hanger Shine

Air Plant Options

Here's some additional air plant varieties that will look great with your new Large V-Hanger.

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person holding mini blush terracotta pot with air plant next to white plant shelf by braid & wood

Make Your Plant Shelf Shine

Air Plant Options

Here's a few other air plants that will look great with your new Braid & Wood Plant Shelf.

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three modern plant shelves hanging above bed

Plant Shelf Styling Tip

Modern Bedroom

Check out how we used Braid & Wood Plant Shelves in this neutral & modern bedroom.

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How To Care For Your New Air Plant


    How To Keep Your New Air Plant Alive & Beautiful

    Everything you need to know about air plant care from watering to sunlight.


    A Deeper Dive: What Do Air Plants Need

    Air Plant 101: A crash course in everything you need to know about air plants.


    Sunlight & Air Plants: How Much Light is Too Much?

    Different types of air plants require different levels of light. Become an expert!

gold modern hanging planter by braid and wood sitting on teal nightstand

Instructions for...

The Hanging Cord

Watch this video & learn how to tie the perfect knot to suspend your planter the right way!

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gold plant hanger ceiling hook, wall anchor and top hanging ring

Instructions for...

Ceiling Anchor & Hook

Watch this video & learn how to install our custom ceiling anchor and hook.

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